
Great that you’ve taken time to check out the DeepClean docs! Before we begin looking at DeepClean itself, let’s take some time to see whether you should use DeepClean.

Why Use DeepClean?

  • multimodal data: If you have multimodal data - visual, text, speech.
  • fast experimentation: If you need to quickly do some analysis or do proof of concept project.
  • optimized for your happiness: DeepClean is designed to be simple and fun to use by providing a simple and clean API.
  • written in pure Python: Truly pythonic.
  • 100% test coverage: No explanation needed.

In short: If you need a simple tool with a clean API that just works without lots of configuration, DeepClean might be the right choice for you.

Why Not Use DeepClean?

  • You need advanced features like:
    • Segmentation
  • You are really concerned about performance and need a high speed computation.

To put it plainly: If you need advanced features or high performance, DeepClean is the wrong package for you.

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